"The womb of creation out of which art, the self, the universe is born."CR
Painting / Painting Performance
Mixed Media, Gesso, tempera on Canvas
215 x 383 cm
"Don’t worry about the big picture
It has to look good up close
Then everything else will fall into place
If you follow instinct and allow even the unfamiliar
The work will create itself
It’s own identity
Not preconceived
But born
Even if peculiar
To be
Don’t question the work
Just follow the colors
The dynamics
The marks
Layer after layer
Until it calls to pause
To observe
To rest
To either re-approach and area by area
Stepping close and further away to see the whole
Working away until it once again calls to rest
To be observed
To then be accented again
To be Interrupted
To be brought back into balance
In moments of unease
To patiently and with inner grace worked away
Until the next moment calls to rest
Until one moment
One day
It is where it wants to be
For you to pursue a new work
And discover it’s sometimes peculair destiny
In the end
Making sense
And insights and appreciation found
Not always immediately and when immersed
But when perspective found
And fresh eyes can see
That what was hidden
When too close in the immediate reality
Breath by breath
Movement by movement
Gesture after gesture
Until one sees the horizon
And then steps beyond it when leaving this new entity to be
Wherever and whatever it may be
But where energy simply calls to redirect
Before paths once again intercept
Let the work be itself
Take time to observe it as much as you spend working at it
Observe what becomes alive and what needs cradling to be brought to light"CR